For any questions or concerns about academics, students should begin by contacting the staff at their residential colleges. Freshmen and sophomores should speak with the Director of Studies of their Residential College. Juniors and seniors should speak with the Dean of their Residential College.
There is also a plethora of resources on campus to help you with your academic work:
The McGraw Center, located at 321 Frist Center, is a one-stop-shop for all things related to studying smarter and better.
Learning Strategies Consultations: Consultants (undergraduate and graduate students) from a variety of disciplines are trained to collaborate with you to develop an individualized approach to learning which draws upon your unique profile of strengths and is tailored to the specific demands of each of your courses. Make an appointment (at least 24 hours in advance) to meet with a consultant early in the term in order to manage the academic demands of the entire semester.
Group and Individual Tutoring: Both Group Study Hall and Individual Tutoring are available free of charge to Princeton students. Individual Tutoring may be the place for students who, after preparing, are still struggling with defining their specific issues or have a broad range of questions/concepts to discuss. You can request an individual tutoring session. Individual tutoring is available on Sunday afternoons from 1:30 until 4:30 p.m.; and on Sunday through Wednesday evenings from 7:30 until 10:30 p.m.
Tutoring in language courses, as well as in some introductory STEM and computational courses not supported by McGraw Study Halls or Individual Tutoring, may be available through the peer tutoring program in the residential colleges. To find out more about this resource, contact your residential college Director of Studies.
The McGraw Center also has a library of online resources, i.e. PDF documents that cover advice on a range of learning and studying skills.
Individual Peer Tutoring is a service offered through the residential colleges. To request a peer tutor, make an appointment to meet with your college dean or director of studies. Peer tutoring is not available during the final exam period.
Every writer needs a reader, and the Writing Center has a reader for every writer! The Writing Center offers Princeton writers free, one-on-one conferences with experienced fellow writers trained to respond to assignments in any discipline. Alternately, you can drop in during walk-in hours, which are Sunday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Writing Fellows can help with any part of the writing process: brainstorming ideas, developing a thesis, structuring an argument, or revising a draft.
The Writing Center is located in Baker Hall, Whitman College.
Students requesting academic accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS), participate in an intake interview and submit current documentation as required. ODS staff utilize an interactive review process to determine necessary accommodations. Contact ODS for more information or questions.