Current Undergraduate Students

The Office of Disability Services (ODS) provides the opportunity for students to request housing accommodations based on a diagnosed disability. This process is not intended to address requests based on religion or gender.

Housing accommodations are considered by the Office of Disability Services for students who have diagnosed disabilities in an annual pre-draw process that occurs prior to the regular undergraduate student room draw period. Students may also request housing accommodations outside of this annual pre-draw process, but any accommodations found to be reasonable and supported will be implemented based on availability of housing that aligns with the specified accommodations.

Process to request housing accommodations

Housing accommodation requests are made through the University’s disability management system (“Accommodate”). Requests in Accommodate can be made through one of the following methods:

  • First-time requests: Students making a first-time accommodation request must submit their request using the following form.
  • If a prior accommodation request has been made: Students who have requested any type of accommodation (academic, housing, or dining) previously must submit a Supplemental Request.

Housing accommodations requests will require accompanying documentation. Documentation-related guidelines can be found here. Requests for housing accommodations will not be reviewed until documentation meeting these guidelines has been uploaded into Accommodate.

Spring 2024 Undergraduate Housing Accommodations Deadline

For Spring 2024 reinstatement, the Undergraduate Housing Office will send you an email with details about how to apply for spring housing. The online spring housing application portal will be accessible from December 1 to December 15, 2023. When you access the application, you'll be able to specify your preferences.

To make housing accommodations requests, please refer to the ODS website. To ensure your request is fully considered, make sure to submit your completed request, including all documentation, by December 15.

Timeline of the process to request housing accommodations for the 2024-2025 academic year

December 4th, 2023 Pre-draw housing applications open
January 22nd, 2024 Deadline for pre-draw housing accommodations applications


Frequently Asked Questions