Clinical documentation that is complete and current provides the basis for decisions on appropriate and reasonable accommodations for qualified students. Students requesting accommodations should review the guidance provided by ODS on requirements for documentation, but generally must submit documentation that clearly demonstrates that (1) the student has a physical or mental impairment, (2) the impairment causes a material functional deficit, (3) the deficit is demonstrable by generally accepted measures, comparing the student to most people in the general population. A diagnosis of a disorder, or submission of an evaluation, does not automatically qualify an individual for accommodations. Appropriate documentation must be provided by a qualified professional, meet currency requirements, include diagnosis information as well as information about the functional limitations or deficits, and support the request of specific accommodations.
If a student has not been evaluated by a qualified professional or needs updated testing, he/she may contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) for a screening and references to local professionals.
Please refer to Learning Disabilities, Physical/Sensory Disabilities, Psychological Disabilities, or Temporary Disabilities for specifics on the documentation requirements at Princeton University.